samedi 9 octobre 2021

the real origin of astrology

the question is very simple :

where does the history of astrology really start?

some people say : it's 5000 years ago -

and they're right,

but it's complicated,

and we'll leave these rising moments for the end of that paper.

so... is it with the Picatrix?

no, even if it's a sabaean interesting and delusional document

the Picatrix is late.

is that Al-biruni?

no, this is late arab classical astro-meteorology.

is it the chaldaean oracles?

no, this would be the origin of alchemy,

before it reached its glory with the shiite scholar

jaber ibn-hayyân..

is it the bible?

no, despite the beginning of the psalm 19,

despite many references to the stars in the book of job.

so it's babylon? gilgamesh?

no, very few references there, some tables, but not enough

so it's the akkadians?

yes, almost : all of their generals were astrologers,

astrology was used to choose the right moment for going to war, but it's like an embryo : 

only mars, mercury, and mainly venus.

because venus was a planet of war, before being disguised 

in the caricature it is today.

you wanna see venus?

count the massive shootings in schools once it enters cancer..


because it's not, AT ALL, the "planet of love",

romans used to call it Lucifer,

is it clear enough?

if we go back to Sparta, we find a statue of? 


back to Ougarit?

the goddess Anat is only satisfied when she can align

different troops of fighters and? 

watch the flows of blood...

so Venus would rather be the "planet of hate",

but a middle solution, for both love and hate,

(which always come together  - cf. Melanie Klein)

would be to consider it as :

"the planet of dualization".

so where is that origin?

it's hidden in plain sight,

you could find it in any library around the planet!

the odyssey?


people love the odyssey because there's one central hero,

he's a trickster, and they wait for the cyclops and the sirens!

it's : the Iliad...

the book of war and brotherhood.

why so?

because all along the book, 

it is clearly formulated and continuously demonstrated :

men are only puppets of the gods...

they say it - they recognize it - they submit to it.

the gods?

venus, mars, poseidon (roman neptune),

zeus (roman jupiter), hades (roman pluto), chronos (roman saturn)

apollo (the sun), mercury, sélènè or artemis (the moon), etc.

do they intervene in that battle?


and from the very beginning!

first of all the story says that the famous city of Troy, 

and most of all its giant walls,

was founded by Apollo and Poseidon.

(and only astrologers will suspect the importance

of "foundations" in the history of astrology...)

then the listing of the armies going to Troy,

24 armies exactly, like the 24 hours,

because hours were goddesses, called the horaï..

then Apollo, because he was the founder of Troy, 

will play the role of the close protector of Hector

what is poseidon in charge of?


is there an astrologer ignoring the direct statistically established relation between neptune and earthquakes?

what is mars doing? 

helping the heroes..

what happens?

venus will choose to enter the fight with the troyans

but she will be harmed by mars, she's not playing on a ground

where she can compete with the god of war himself.

so, it reaches the level where the question really becomes :

who are the real heroes? humans or gods?

no, not humans, because we said it : they're just puppets

is it the gods? neither, 

because they spent their time laughing at humans.

where is zeus?

sorry, he spends his time fucking, 

trying to hide from his wife Hera.

the Iliad is naked stuff, direct punch to the face, no filters...

but no one will suspect the direct link to astrology behind this story!

all the planets are here, gathered, organized, divided,

but we only see mythological figures...

hercules, ariane, the crown, the argo ship...

all of these will become constellations,

but who cares about these far away points...

unless, they're much closer than we think

unless they act inside our blood and brains,

but it's another chapter...

let's go back to the very beginning :

was it the phoenicians?

yes and no, because there are two phoenician civilisations.

the late one is the one we know the "best",

mainly through the critics of the greeks and the romans + the bible

these are the late phoenicians, or the canaanites,

a degenerate society who invented everything we use today

(that's why plato hated the alphabet and considered it as a sign of decadence - phaedrus)

what else did they invent?

they were the only ones able to navigate 

in the middle of the mediterranean without sticking to any coast.

how come? because they relied on their knowledge of the stars

mainly two : pherqad and kawkab (small chariot)

later came castor and pollux in gemini

jam preace pollucis jam castoris implorata

(praying pollux & imploring castor)

was the roman formula repeated on the roman ships

when bad winds came too close

and these phoenicians invented commerce

mainly prostitution in fact, commerce of the bodies,

but they refused to use money!

and they only accepted to print money

once they needed to pay soldiers to protect their business...

this intimate relation between the army and the money 

is quite a thing

to meditate..

on the greek side the invention of money was more related to the city  and its spirit :

the origin of the athenian drachma for example relates to the story of a father sexually abusing his daughter 

- 2nd point of meditation on the origin of money, or even crypto, if we consider 2008 to be an incest story (it satoshically stands..)

the daughter committed suicide, but was transformed into an owl by athena the goddess of the city

that owl was then printed on the drachma coins...

Athena will be the hero of the odyssey, the protector of ulysses

that's why the odyssey is not about astrology anymore,

but more about wisdom

(she'd be the equivalent of wisdom in the book of the proverbs)

so when?

we have to go back to the first old phoenician civilisation :

do we have texts? 

no, it's too old,

we're not a few centuries BC,

we are at least one thousands years before.

where are the traces?

a bishop, by the name of eusebios (of cesarea)

had their foundation book called the sanchthoniaton :

-"sun" (like in syn-thesis)

-"chthoni" (the under-earth)

-"aton" (the sun)

so : the sun, as the sum of what is gathered underground?

eusebios didn't have the book directly in his hands

even if he chose to burn 13 volumes of the remains of that book, keeping only the first chapter that he took from Philo of Byblos.

what was in that book?

"at the origin there was only air and water

then the air fell in love with himself,

and this created earth,

then came the living creatures,

but they were all living in the big circle of Mot (death)...

among them, were the "sofe-samim"

-sofe = looking

(in the sense of surveillance, of being the guardian,

like in the beginning of chap 2 of the book of habakkuk in the bible, & the town of mitsfa is related to this in genesis 31.49..)

-samim =  the skies, it will become "chamaym" in old hebrew

(cha for fire, mayyim for waters)

so sofesamim stands for : "those looking at the sky"?

yes, exactly, and non-stop! why?

because suddenly, the thunder will go down from the sky

and hit directly the sofe-samim.

so what happens?

they start looking at each other!...

instead of being hypnotized by the sky and the stars.

and then?

then desire was born between them.

and then?

mankind could finally start.


spring is here, I kind of like it. birds, flowers, spiders, geckos,  all in & around the house.. this coming april, as the land is dryin...