lundi 6 décembre 2021

Q1 - 2022 / first 20 coins

ok the news are very good, very!

not on the bullish/bearish side, 

who cares about these small waves,

but on the visibility side

I'll tell you the whole story,

first by detailing the method

how do I study a coin?

so simple : I take the whole graph by days

I scan the whole period from birth until today

I list all the configurations,  I note the results

I regroup then in one DNA card 

after including the natal's configurations

therefore anything happens, it's one second 

to have the answer on this or that coin..

now I've been through the big configurations occurring during Q1 2022

for these 20 coins

but you have to know that these results are something very fragile

with a lot of mistakes waiting inside, a higher experimental level

useful only as "vague meteorology", and only in confirmation of TA

otherwise you're loosing, 

believe me

put it on a stroboscopic light : "experiment"..

now where are we going?

dec 7th-10th : mars square jupiter

in majority the results are positive :


-negative for BAT ETC VET ETH ? with special attention to XLM 

dec 10th-13th : sun square neptune

divided :

positive for BNB EOS COMP TFUEL ?

negative for RUNE ENJ XMR ?

dec 18th-21st : sun sextile jupiter

glorious  for a clear majority :


just stay away from ENJ and TWT ?

dec 27th - jan 1st : mars sextile saturn

weak data :

positive for MKR SNX TRX ZIL ?

negative for XMR ?

dec 31st - jan 2nd : sun trine uranus

not so good :

positive for : EOS ETC VET ZIL ETH MIR ?

negative for  : RUNE MATIC ENJ XLM TFUEL ?

now we must not forget that during all this previous period

we're under a dominant angle 

of jupiter being square to the nodes

this goes from

dec 21st to dec 31st 

usually good (we saw it for sugar) :

positive for BAT EOS MKR TRX XLM ?

negative for ETC XMR ZIL ?

jan 9th-12th : sun sextile neptune

seems good :

positive for :  BNB BAT EOS XMR ZIL ?

negative for : MATIC ETH TFUEL ?

jan 10th-13th : mars square neptune

rather good :


special attention to XMR

negative for BNB MKR ETH ? 

jan 16th : sun conjunct pluto 

not so good :

positive for : BNB BAT ?

negative for : ENJ XMR ZIL TWT ?

jan 17th-19th : sun trine the north node

yeah :

positive for BNB VET ETH TFUEL ?

negative for RUNE COMP ?

jan 27th-31st : sun square uranus

really good :


negative for EOS ? special attention to XMR 

feb 4th : sun conjunct saturn

yeah :

positive for BNB ENJ XMR TRX ?

negative for EOS SNX ?

feb 3rd-7th : mars sextile jupiter

yeah :

positive for BAT ETC VET COMP ?

negative for BNB ZIL ?

feb 6th-20th : jupiter sextile uranus 

no data on no coin, the absolute blank on that one

translate : possible dangerous zone, bc complete unknown territory

this is a very important point because this will apply during the whole period heavily, we're not kidding at all it's massive, so if jupiter sextile uranus is bullish it's massive good news, but massive bad news if not, also...

keep these two weeks in mind when you're looking at that same period on any coin around

but that problem has just been solved, and this is bullish

feb 6th-10th : mars trine uranus

seriously bad :


positive for MATIC VET ?

feb 14th-16th : sun square to the nodes

definitely good :


special attention to XMR

negative for RUNE ?

feb 22nd-25th : mars sextile neptune

rather good :

positive for BAT VET MKR SNX ?

negative for  RUNE ?

feb28th - march 2nd : mars trine the north node

good :

positive for MKR ENJ TRX ETH TFUEL ?

special attention to XMR

negative for COMP SNX ?

feb 28th - march 2nd : sun sextile uranus

good :

positive for EOS VET ENJ SNX ETH ?

negative for TFUEL MIR TWT ?

march 2nd : mars conjunct pluto

only good :

positive for BAT MKR XMR TRX ZIL ETH ?

march 5th : sun conjunct jupiter 

good :

positive for  EOS RUNE MKR XMR MIR ?

negative for TWT ?

march 13th : sun conjunct neptune 

divided :


negative for EOS MKR TRX ZIL ?

march 14th-17th : sun sextile north node

good :

positive for BNB EOS RUNE VET TWT ?

negative for XMR MIR ?

march 21st-24th : mars square uranus

good :


negative for EOS ? special attention TRX

now if we choose to group these results by coins 

do we have clear pics?

what do we see?

for BNB :

at the beginning it's divided

then there is that down between 10-13th jan

then a full period positive going from jan 12th to feb 4th

so there could be a good entry between jan 12th & 13th?

better to be out before feb 3rd

then another good period positive between march 13th & 24th

for BAT :

nothing serious except a small movement here :

down feb 6th-12th 

then up feb 14th-25th

for EOS :

no possible interesting action on that scale, difficult to play

for RUNE :

same, not enough data


january id divided, feb & march should be good

dips on new year and maybe jan 10th-11th?

for ETC :

nothing interesting unless you decide to short the big move,

ie jupiter square the nodes dec 21st-31st you'll have to hesitate 

maybe until the 22nd/23rd to see a tendency coming with the angle getting stronger

all of this will be finetuned later, don't worry..

for VET :

it's astonishing, all the results are green!

like the data saying "get in vet right now and ask no questions"

more precisely get in after dec 10th

for COMP :

good for long term?

but not useful on short scale from the astro point of view

for MKR :

doors by 13th :

entry feb 13th, 

exit march 13th 

should be the right plan

for ENJ :

bizarre results for a gaming token...

not so good before mid-feb

but beware, I'm not counting the gaming jupiter effect, 

so this could skyrocket early, also

difficult contradictory file here

for SNX :

not great in feb, better before?

for XMR :

here is the risky one, 

where you can only play the extreme reactions,

expected possible strong bullish reactions :

jan 10th-13th / feb 14th-16th / feb 28th - march 2nd

same on bearish : jan 27th-31st

for ZIL :

you could short mid-january?

it's a risky decision, this is only meteorology, 

clouds, I smoke, a lot, lol..

for XLM :

lack of data, no decision possible

for ETH :

you could buy after feb 10th

it's jumping from mid-feb until the end of Q1

and more..

for TFUEL :

too risky

for MIR :

nothing, just good at new year

for TWT :

lack of data

reminder :

this is not financial advice

this is meteorological data

use with caution,

keep out of reach of children


most of all during that period :

if ever april is the very powerful event it is,

not forget that in the end of april a bad configuration is coming

and that it will break

dating the break and the point of exit requires to be cautious

I'm convinced that already on april 22nd with mercury at play

under high pressure, it's better to be safe

now the news :

the news are that all of this text is not about alts in fact!

that's what I discovered after doing the exercice...

because what do I have once I debunk a coin 

like a showed I proceed in the beginning?

a dynamic-DNA software of the coin?

so it's just a picture?

no, turn it backwards : your image became a camera

why? and how?

look up at these tables, you'll realize :

what are coins in general? shadows of BTC

what if I use 20 shadows to read the coming configurations?

I'm guessing BTC by its shadows!

more than this : I'm now multiplying my sonar by 20

I had 20 pics? now I have 20 cameras :

gaining in pixels and in precision

what do I see?

places of contradiction

and others where statistically something is clear.

bring me that image right now mtf!

here it is, ô Pharaoh :

-suddenly, on dec 19th-20th (maybe starting 18th)

BTC will jump, up until the 21st maybe

this seems to be 20 times clear...

-then hesitations zone again

-until we reach jan 27th-31st : second serious jump up

(-bad new year btw)

-feb 7th-9th ? oh this is bad, really bad,  omg

-mid feb? 14th-16th? really good

-could last until mid march

now on the deeper level?

jan 25th - feb 17th : pluto trine north node

should be good for BTC, 

ETC loves it

march 28th - april 22nd : neptune trine the south node

very very good, expect the unseen?

good for RUNE ? bad for WAVES ?

april 7th-15th : jupiter trine the south node

good for BTC


bad for  ETC XMR BAT ?

april 9th-22nd : saturn square the nodes

should be good for BTC

positive for MKR ETC MATIC ? special attention to XMR

negative for EOS ?

april 11th-13th : jupiter conjunct netpune

good for DJI, positive for ENJ ?

ok you still have one more thing to do here :

it's giving the back ground of BTC's reactions 

to the same configurations

no, I won't do it!


because the value of this pic is that it comes without BTC

or : from the 20 shadows of BTC, 

let's keep it this way

and instead finetune the dates?

but I 'm tired..

and thank you for not helping 

that teaching-research/experiment

by not finding the contribution box on this blog

otherwise, I could come back you know..

so I'll finetune the dates little by little

with different colours on this blog for each new update

the main point here : 

-you have to add these different layers of data 

in order to get the full pic

-you have not to forget that these all are questions

-when I say positive for this and that, 

it doesn't concern what's gonna happen

it just answers what happened before 

on that coin, in the same conditions

-these are not predictions, these are mapped behaviours

reorganized following the coming configurations, 

nothing more, please, beware 

the territory of Alts is exactly 5 times weaker 

astrologically than the ground of BTC


because an alt is max 2 years of data

BTC is ten years of data

you could check a new moon of 2011, 

it's there waiting for you at the right place

but with six months of data for a coin 

you only have a few inner-circles moves

would be crazy to trade on that weakness of data

anyway, I'm not dead yet, but I'll come back later..

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spring is here, I kind of like it. birds, flowers, spiders, geckos,  all in & around the house.. this coming april, as the land is dryin...