lundi 13 décembre 2021


23/ NMR :

this is good
saturn trine uranus trine the node is like a battery
unstable but enough for a lot
add venus trine pluto and mars trine neptune
and even jupiter in air square to mars..
but overload in cancer,
and air is still weak,

24/LRC :

that overload around regulus in leo is important
and the trine by mercury and mars to uranus all in fire
and the sextile from jupiter in libra to the node in leo
and the trine in fire saturn to the node
waow, this is too much, it's like all fire..
only weakness : lack of air
should function very well starting Q3 2022 with jupiter entering aries
and even better summer 23 with nodes in aries
this is a real bomb

25/ AXN :

strong but difficult
jupiter on pluto sextile sun, astonishing
venus in libra trine node in gemini is a solid veil
square by neptune to the nodes is too weak
earth and water very present
yes but no?
hesitating but tempted

26/ GRO Dao :

this si strong..
the sun, mars, saturn, node - grand trine
incredible veil in air 
moon in fire opposing jupiter in air 
with two squares to venus good
add mercury trine jupiter
there's something enormous hiding there
fire and air dominating,
this is perfect

27/ GEEQ :

yes sun in leo trine moon in aries,
but it's nothing,
SN trine mars square pluto is complicated
but still good to take as a system
jupiter sextile neptune is good and useful
but the total seems a little weak..

28/ ORAI :

all angles are weak on that day,
venus opposing moon here is important
libra 1° / aries 1° vernal point
big doors
light opposition sun to uranus is good
but weakness in air here
too much water/earth

29/ ANRX :

this is good stuff
neptune square the nodes 
+ mars trine the SN
this is a great ship already
incredible strength of
jupiter conjunct saturn
both sextile venus
and the sun/mercury sextile moon on pisces 2°
this is gold
very interesting, even if too much fire
weak in earth, instability and lack of supports?
I'll take the risk, the power is worth it

30/ RING (Darwinia) :

node at the entry of gemini, strong point
ok there is that sextile uranus to sun and mercury in cancer
is this about a lab?
useful jupiter sextile neptune,
add the system saturn on entry aquarius 
sextile mars/pluto sextile venus in gemini
this is good, but fragile,
will last with no genius but/despite innovation
mars on the vernal point
venus on aldebaran
why not..

31/ DSLA :

all angles are weak on that day..
mercurysextile pluto & square to the nodes is good
with the trine to the moon
mars trine venus in air, positive
uranus trine SN also
but it's like a sum of strong points with no real coherence
still very good,
saturn on entry of aquarius sextile mercury
mature communication..

32/ POND :

neptune square the nodes is good already
venus on antares trine moon in aries is something
jupiter on saturn entering aquarius, all is good
mars in aries square pluto
my god, this is very powerful and even poisonous,
like an animal coin,
very weird thing,
but I would take the risk..

33/ HAI :

node is in water but active
trine mars in air
mars, mercury, venus, saturn & moon in air, great
sun trine pluto/jupiter, good
not excellent, but playable

34/ ALBT : 

nice sun opposing neptune while trine jupiter 
so this should react Q1/Q2 2022, with gaming
moon close to node with the squares to neptune and sun
+ mars trine SN
this is very good
I'd say not so powerful but very solid
if you add venus in leo sextile mercury in libra
we're really ok
I'm buying..

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