lundi 13 décembre 2021


11/ KNC :

as if I've seen this chart before..
yes, very close from YGG
and I like it, looks like a very active battery
north node? sextile sun, trine saturn, square venus
mars on regulus opposing jupiter on fomalhaut
magnificent trine sun/mercury in leo, moon in aries with node
I buy this now..

12/ UNFI :

problem is that the square from neptune to the nodes is weak
gives me the impression of a dying thing
ok venus on arcturus squaring jupiter in capricorn
but this is sad
dominant water/earth here, & only that moon in aquarius?
not good..

13/ VIDT :

if only this was gaming...
mercury trine the node yes,
but from pisces
and that gathering around the SN with the angle to mercury, also good,
but all of this is fragile, like a mercury in pisces,
and too much earth here
despite sun in aries and mars in gemini, 
I'd say no,
something is missing here

14/ MTV :

this one comes one week later!
very powerful node trine neptune mercury and venus
+ square the sun
+ saturn and pluto on the SN
and almost sun trine jupiter
so seductive...
but where is my air?
I'd say the danger here would be "stuck in the dream" :
overactive SN + powerful pisces

15/ HAPI :

I really like it
and once again :
that sun on neptune, if only it was a gaming coin..
six in air!
with perfect nodes square to venus in pisces
trine to jupiter with the moon
but a small lack of fire here..
still the powerful activations of the north node should be enough for the ride

16/ UNO :

ok moon on saturn trine the node is a classic of 2021
and ok mercury square jupiter both in air can be interesting,
not on the communication side..
and ok mercury and venus trine pluto are good
sun square saturn, not good
all close to uranus, it's like the "child of the crisis" ..
now neptune in pisces sextile venus in taurus is strong, really
so it's a beautiful temptation
that has to be resisted

17/ DCB :

first this can seduce :
there's a functioning air/fire system with moon on node sextile venus in fire + the double square on leo from uranus
add mercury in gemini square neptune...
but sun sextile uranus makes it another "child of the crisis",
more interesting and strong than the previous one,
because the mastering of that uranus is here much stronger,
so it's more promising,
but still not great

18/ DOT :

it's like I saw this chart already, or something close..
the grand trine in fire is incredible
moon isolated but on entry in libra good
mars square saturn may be a problem
but can overcome
powerful stuff

19/ OCEAN :

waow this is pure power!
venus in fire square the nodes trine jupiter sextile the moon,
+ neptune trine node square the moon..
it's not over : sun in earth trine the node + mercury in earth
mars in air opposed to jupiter in fire
this is perfect, incredible
at the limit, I'd say : not very stable, but unstoppable

20/ KOM :

ok the classic saturn trine node of 2021..
is the overactive uranus a problem
(trine venus, square sun, square mercury)?
no water, no dream?
mercury stopped two times :
square uranus and opposed saturn?
I say no.

21/ FCL :

very interesting coin, why?
because if the two previous others were the "children of the problem", this one looks like the "child of the solution"
very powerful mercury/jupiter trine the node + sextile moon here
+ mars trine pluto in order to consolidate the lack of earth
and most of all sun sextile uranus coming from pisces 6°
a piece of art

22/ PNODE :

not bad, but not enough..
stable but no genius
saturn trine the node + the trine by mercury are ok
sun in taurus trine pluto is good
jupiter is isolated
venus and mercury are in gemini but it's nothing here
impression? not enough to move
or enough.. but, it's like empty
something wrong here..

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spring is here, I kind of like it. birds, flowers, spiders, geckos,  all in & around the house.. this coming april, as the land is dryin...