lundi 13 décembre 2021


35/ FTM :

I've seen that chart before, or close, for nov 2nd
here's what I say there :

"incredible venus on arcturus square to the nodes
and opposing uranus, but this is delicate like a joke...
jupiter trine node on leo 1° + mercury trine
this is becoming a lot of power here..
but saturn trine the moon in earth can stabilize this crazy machine"

main difference here?
moon in leo square sun in scorpio (fire/water), more active
instead of moon in virgo trine saturn in earth, more stable 

36/ DCR :

that jupiter close to the node is good for volume
and the node at 60° from mars in scorpio also
square to the sun in air
but everything is in earth here
look at mercury+venus
all is in earth/water, 
ending process in the muds?
not good

37/ PERP :

good stuff
that sun trine pluto
+ square the nodes
salvation comes with moon/venus sextile mercury in air
and sun opposing neptune?
no? but yes!

38/ SKL :

the square by neptune and the sextile by mars to the node are light and weak
sun on antares is important, this is an opener, a pioneer,
a wild beast
that position of the innovator is reinforced by mercury at the door on sagittarius 1° sextile saturn also at the door on capricorn 29°
problems in breathing, seriously, very weak on air...

39/ RARE :

not good.. because interesting but risky
sun on regulus opposing jupiter, I don't like it..
too much double-edged,
good venus trine the node and entry libra square the moon
but mercury/mars in virgo trine uranus? no
too many problems here..

40/ NRG :

this is gonna last by innovating..
holding the three doors of earth, enormous
uranus square the node in leo
but most of all the big trine with the sun and saturn
mercury in leo is good,
jupiter trine neptune, great community
this is a giant

41/ CVP :

not convincing..
air= 1/ fire = 2/ water = 2/ earth = 7!
ok there's jupiter on pluto trine mercury
but this is risky
looks like an asset from the traditional market
not crypto
mars trine SN won't make it alone

42/ ADA :

jupiter on arcturus opposing uranus 
and trine moon on pisces 1°, beautiful
saturn in fire trine the node in leo, nice
good for 2022
venus/mars trine pluto, yeah
but the impression that something's missing..

43/ SOL :

mercury square to the nodes very important
+ uranus trine SN
"doesn't sleep" thing..
+mars trine venus in air, more excitement
sun square jupiter, not good, no head
always power, but empty

44/ AVAX :

this is very strong stuff :
mars trine SN, mercury trine NN, venus trine SN
moon = SN
mars in fire opposing mercury in air but square saturn and pluto in earth, very good
weak in waters, difficulty to dream, problems in the vision,
but incredible strength

45/ VRA :

I crossed a similar chart..
this is weak
ok mercury on neptune trine the node
but weak angle
and in pisces...
ok moon sextile mars in gemini, but what else?
that isolated sun could make it for sure
but nothing before 23
jupiter waiting in sagittarius is isolated too
it's like a lighter underwater
will make great scores in 23/24 not really before

46/ SHIBA :

this is weak..
in air, only venus on node?
ok sun in fire/leo square uranus, something provocative,
after all we're two days before the beirut explosion,
but mercury in water opposing saturn/jupiter/pluto all in earth, this is not good
and the square mars to jupiter could be a problem
I say no

47/ VET :

absolute bomb
sun on node in leo trine saturn
+ the trine to uranus in aries
this is already enough for everything
all the rest is details
I buy now!
add jupiter libra square venus and pluto
this is perfect for the air activation, not perfect, but enough..
moon entry gemini, mars in leo, 
this is a huge machine
mercury opposing neptune means
obstacle relies between community and communication

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