lundi 13 décembre 2021


48/ DPR :

powerful coin, saturn trine node sextile mercury trine SN
add mars trine jupiter and square neptune, this will react Q1/Q2 2022 and more...
4 in Air / 5 in Fire, excellent
venus square pluto not so good
but jupiter in air sextile venus in fire -
final result? excellent

49/ QRDO :

two very good squares
sun to node + moon in gemini
mars opposing neptune, useful
mercury and saturn trine node angles are weak
moon trine jupiter and trine venus in air is good
not bad, even good

50/ BOSON :

ok the trapeze saturn trine NN & mercury trine SN
+ moon = neptune square mars
and weaker venus square pluto
this is not great, weak angles
risky moon..
I'm out -
wait a minute! I disagree :
I have two triangles in air-fire-air
this is very good

51/ PRQ :

superb grand trine sun, mars, node
with mercury in virgo for stabilizing this is perfect
mars square saturn could be a problem?
so it really depends on the wind
but it has the proper weapon for that position
and that moon entering libra
I would play it, 
this is correct

52/ PNK :

incredible venus on arcturus square to the nodes
and opposing uranus, but this is delicate like a joke...
jupiter trine node on leo 1° + mercury trine
this is becoming a lot of power here..
but saturn trine the moon in earth can stabilize this crazy machine

53/ sDAO :

powerful but tricky
ok I got the overload in air
with sun, node, venus, mercury, jupiter, saturn
and the trine venus-saturn
but sun square jupiter?
and mercury square neptune square the moon?
not bad, but better without..

54/ UBX :

this is solid -
like a rock
sun in the middle of scorpio trine neptune square the node
it's a collective system
must be strong community here?
moon in leo sextile mercury on arcturus, nice shot!
+ jupiter sextile sun & sextile neptune
+ sun trine neptune
this is a real dream not to be missed
sleepy sometimes but very good
no, not even sleepy : mars in aries opposed to venus in libra!
this is perfect

55/ SHROOM :

not good, weak on air, at the limit,
everything is in water/earth/fire
ok mercury is powerful entering libra
with the angle on saturn
but that overload in earth ...
this is risky
the ship is too heavy

56/ AMAS :

had the impression I came across that chart and yes, in fact I now realize I went through the chart of AMAS already in the previous gaming paper, where I wrote :

"this is a champ
look at the perfection of that veil 
from the moon and saturn on the nodes
moon on the door at 1° libra
the overload in libra
the good angle mercury jupiter
I'll take it now"

57/ ANKR :

waow this is powerful and sad!
sun on neptune sextile saturn
and mars sextile sun and trine saturn,
this is so solid
+ pluto on SN sextile the moon
jupiter isolated, venus the same
5 earth / 4 water
I'd call it "the freezing glory"
won't move so much

58/ ELF :


this is powerful immediately
jupiter in scorpio square to the node in leo
+ moon on SN
and sun on saturn
unbeatable collective
always on time
"weak" angles : mercury trine node
mars and jupiter trine neptune
but venus trine uranus in fire is interesting
I'm buying.


first, the music (I promised) :

what did we learn from that experiment?

-first : seen from the natal chart reductive angle, the landscape looks completely different, heroes are suddenly nothing, and very neglected coins seem to have the glory...

-that on the ecosystems debate for example, the answer by the natal didn't give the advantage to solana, but rather to harmony, mainly avalanche, not forgetting iotex, & only after FTM, Solana could pretend to the fifth place...

that they were coins reactive on gaming matters, mainly very active both jupiter and neptune, which will be present in Q1/Q2 2022 (NU, ALBT, etc.)

and other coins that would be better starting 2023, everything with north node in fire in fact...

it's very difficult to sort this out and to choose
but there are like levels of strength
and this way I obtain eight silver medals
and seven gold medals
so a top 7 in fact

the eight silver :

the golden seven :


see you in hell.

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