lundi 13 décembre 2021


on myself...
this is how I proceeded :
I took 60 coins, in fact 58..
some I'm already in, others under study
I took the infos for the natal chart of each
then I threw the coins,
therefore I was blinded, working only with the charts
never knowing what coin I was analyzing or commenting
this is the more important in order to have a pure astro point of view, with no other info..

I was aware this was dangerous and limited in its meaning
because I could destroy a lot of precious things to me and others
but also make discoveries I wouldn't have suspected otherwise...
so I would limit it in the meaning if I say "no, I'm against",
because I'm just reacting to a very tiny element of astro, the natal

tiny only for the coins and the market, bc they're more dynamic,
but still, the natal is something, it has a meaning, it's your body, your muscles, your car, your instrument
same for a coin after all...

so everything here that is written is : the blind exercice, where I have no idea what coin I'm looking at through this or that map...

at the end of document "5", there will be medals,
and champagne,
a podium, with some music..

1/ ONE :

very beautiful chart, very powerful
four direct links on the nodes, venus and neptune
three in air
saturn on the south node stabilizing 
now venus trine pluto & saturn is heavy on earth
but good in 2022

2/ IOTX :

node in leo-fire is good
sun in aquarius trine SN & mars very good
moon on Arcturus opposing uranus, interesting
no lack in air element for sure
add jupiter trine neptune
this is simply excellent

3/ RVN :

that link between sun in pisces and jupiter in scorpio is powerful
al lot of fire but no so much air..
mars trine uranus in aries could be good for original positioning
mercury square saturn : mistakes on communication & marketing
sun & jupiter in their trine are both sextile pluto
solid stuff..

4/ NU :

the sun here is huge : in libra, trine node, on the moon,
square pluto, saturn, jupiter, it's not an easy coin..
& opposing mars in aries, that thing will hesitate a lot
but won't be stopped..
as for venus opposing neptune and trine jupiter, you immediately think "if only this was a gaming coin"..
at least, this coin should react with the gaming wave

5/ KAVA :

moon and mars square the nodes are good but this is still the surface,
sun opposing uranus is a risky game
neptune trine the node is good
and in the same time sextile saturn, I'll take it..
yeah venus sextile pluto why not,
but the node is in cancer
too much water and earth, this is fragile

6/ FET :

if it was gaming this one would be good,
so same rule applies here, this one would be reactive with the gaming wave,
pisces active, with sun sextile mars
moon and venus on the opening of aquarius are powerful?
no, just fighting two squares...
and pluto on the SN not bad
if only that angle between mercury on the vernal point and the node was stronger, but no...
& jupiter is isolated
this is a "kind" coin, it's good, but it's like it has no power

7/ XDB :

overload earth and water, not good
only jupiter is in fire, not good
mercury and venus on opening libra very good,
but it's like noise for nothing?
now sun trine pluto is solid here
and mars trine the SN, but it's in earth..
jupiter square neptune will reveal bad effects under a gaming wave condition?

8/ OXT :

the nodes are abandoned here
overload in earth is clear : 7
problem in air also : 0
jupiter trine uranus in earth is interesting but heavy
and mars trine neptune is in the waters
this can work but there's nothing volatile here
the internal concept is very beautiful
but it's like a beauty stuck in the mud

9/ RNDR :

beautiful and pure, would be good as a game also, strong pisces, it's like nft stuff : that square neptune/mars to sun should be good? no, it could also be an internal problem?
but if you add the moon-mercury-uranus system
this is very good
+ rich in air : saturn, node, sun, venus
I'd say not extraordinary, but really not bad

10/ BETA :

weak thing here..
ok sun and mars and even mercury in libra
and the semi-trine to jupiter
but aside from saturn trine the node
I really have nothing here
moon in scorpio opposing uranus?
you're kidding..
not convincing, lack of tension


1 commentaire:

  1. Where did you go? your twitter is gone. How do i reach you outside of twitter?



spring is here, I kind of like it. birds, flowers, spiders, geckos,  all in & around the house.. this coming april, as the land is dryin...