samedi 11 décembre 2021

13 GAMING charts


ATRI / oct 30th - 2020

it's a gaming matter, 

we first have to pay attention to the rulers of pisces :

jupiter and neptune, and then to mars

I think it's a good coin

first :nodes in gemini for volatility

then : neptune's light angle to the nodes

but mainly the link with jupiter, very good

mercury is also active on the nodes and tensed by the moon

very solid on earth

mars? in its element, aries, perfect

the sun opposite uranus is a weird positioning

but it can hold a lot

because this is a guarantee against future instability

this instability inside, like a vaccine

I'd bet on that one

I already regret not buying before..


YGG / july 28th - 2021

this is a very strong coin

on the surface at least

look how the sun is active on the nodes 

and in the same time venus

constant vibration here

any square of venus to the nodes you could drink..

and the trine with the moon, all related to the nodes

this is a beast, on the surface

and still on the surface : the trine mecruy-moon, perfect

so much in fire here...

and mars on regulus facing jupiter on fomalhaut

my god, I buy this any time..


MBOX / april 8th 2021

this is complicated stuff 

but we're gonna make it

first the strong link saturn to the node

this will pass, 

and the saturn square the nodes of next year 

may not necessarily have the same effect

the moon in pisces linked to uranus is a great strength

the overload in aries also

the jupiter mars link can help

and the square on neptune by mars

so general look, not great

but detailed from inside? lot of strength

good coin


BLOK / oct 6th - 2021

how pure & simple is that blok! incredible...

mainly the strength of saturn trine the node on volatility 

but this shall pass

active jupiter in air important

incredible concentration in air signs

with the moon-mercury-sun conjunction

this is a flying machine

just ride it and let it fly...


GALA : sep 18th - 2020

I'm buying from the first look, in one second!


look at the sun : square the nodes + good angle to saturn

this is here to stay 

with a large exposure to the winds

it's giant ship already

the rest is details

except that excellent mars in aries

related to saturn and the nodes 


UFO / july 1st 2021

jupiter is isolated but already in pisces

air is weak but fire is overactive

I think that mars opposed saturn square to uranus is a weakness

and that's a coin I bought, and in eth, unlucky stupid idiot..

now all that mars-saturn-uranus matter is related 

to the nodes, and that could save, 

but it's not a ferrari obviously

or is it?

look more : the moon and venus also on the nodes

becomes a lot!

yeah, after all, it could work..

+ the sun in cancer!

yea ok, I don't regret so much..


MANA / sep 18th - 2017

the ancestor

north node is in fire leo, good

with strong angle by saturn on galactic center, solid

jupiter on arcturus opposing uranus in aries, good point

mars and mercury opposing neptune from virgo?

bad for gaming, for imagination, 

the failing point of Mana

fighting themselves

final equation?

depends on innovation with blocked imagination?

I'm not interested, sorry

too much fire, only jupiter in air linked to the node

it's artificial

I have 5 planets in virgo opposing pisces

and you're still talking gaming?

let's go!


SAND / aug 15th 2020

moon on venus in cancer related to uranus beautiful strength

and most of all that sun mars triangle with the nodes is like a big exposure to the winds

beautiful ship, impressive

nice angle jupiter-neptune, great

could these squares on mars be a problem?

no, main one is by pluto

action on the short term may be difficult but not the rest

very solid product

and this concentration in the higher earth

with three planets?

real estate will work much more on SAND than on MANA


ICE / oct 26th - 2021

the squares with venus and neptune are too weak to be considered

only the trine between venus and saturn, in earth, 

a misery

moon in pisces is the only help

mars square jupiter can also give some excitement

but this is a zombi :

nothing in air

only mars in fire

and a moon?

come on, let's leave this dead place bought also that one?



REVV / sep 11 - 2020


born on 9/11?

this is an interesting and promising piece :

we already have that link mercury venus fire/air, very good

but we have the opposition sun-neptune

which is risky for a gaming coin, 

but can work as an activator

+ that sun is trine to jupiter

so holding strongly together the two related rulers of pisces?

I buy now


EFI / aug 4th - 2021

this is not good

I only have sun opposing saturn

a fight for nothing

and then squares on uranus?

oh yeah, the link from venus to uranus in earth?

or that jupiter getting out of pisces?

no, we'll skip that one

it's a mess


AMAS / oct 5th 2021

this is a champ

look at the perfection of that veil

from the moon and saturn on the nodes

moon on the door of air at 1° libra

the overload in libra

the good angle mercury jupiter

I'll take it now..



UOS / july 31st - 2019

solid as a rock, and I bought it under 0.5

but now that I see better, I don't like it 

why solid?

for gaming? it's neptune

here related strongly to the nodes,

with a saturn on the south node

so uos is really eternal

but the air signs are weak

still the concentration in cancer/leo is good

because the square from sun to uranus is useless

yes, in case you wanna hold long term 

and not expect the skyrocketing tonight

solid choice

if you consider I'm helping you,

this is a lot of work,

you can contribute to this research on this blog,

this would help the artist stay in the game

otherwise, only serving the dinner won't make it ..

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spring is here, I kind of like it. birds, flowers, spiders, geckos,  all in & around the house.. this coming april, as the land is dryin...