mercredi 8 décembre 2021

BTC 2022 what do I already know?

I know that the north node is entering taurus,

earth - so we're out of any cycle


but I also know that this is the central earth,

that taurus is conservative

that taurus looks like.. a bull?

that this central earth for the node never happened before

because it's a 19 years cycle, and BTC is twelve,

& we still don't know if BTC is a she or a he, btw..

this central earth will be heavy 

for 500 days

but we will have serious help :

any important angle on these muddy nodes can wake up volatility & we'll have the visits of pluto, neptune, jupiter and saturn at least..

(check the end of the doc about "Q1 - 2022 / first 20 coins" on the blog, for the exact dates)

the chances we'll go under 45k even 40k in january are high

but I see nothing under 35 or 32k because we have a positive move in the last days of jan, this should save us?

& maybe some help between 10th & 13th?

6 to 10th of february is a risky moment, bad I think

14th to 16th of feb should be bullish

that tendency if we're lucky could last until the first days of march

why I say lucky?

because here we'll be dealing with :

jupiter sextile uranus, 

I just discovered I had data on that one, 

not for Alts, but for BTC :

it happened two times, but I don't believe it, I'll say why :

-27/6 to 18/7/2012, result : + 30%

-15/12/2012 to 14/4/2013, result : x 21! 

(because much longer period for the angle)

so this will be bullish and could be strong

but it's bizarre : jupiter sextile uranus is activation of uranus

ok BTC can like it, but not so much?

in the 2012 event the node is exactly in the opposite of today's position

on the air/fire axe, at the door, 

but jupiter is in air, and uranus in fire

now we have a water jupiter 

and an earth uranus, and an earth node!

we're all in the muds, it couldn't be glory,

but even if the move can't be strong

it could at least maintain us in a bullish mode 

until the first days of march

so feb, in conclusion :

after a difficult moment between 7th and 9th

starting the 14th, the second half of feb should be bullish


wow I was gonna say maybe early march but it goes on...

so march should be covered also, could be good news

april we could witness an explosion, really

but the danger is waiting behind the wall :

jupiter sextile pluto, rare event, is coming

& we're lucky on that one, 

bc it will fade rather quickly,

if it lasts with a "parallel" move of the two planets 

or a stationary jupiter for example, it can be a catastrophe :

oct 6th to dec 8th 2018 (large angle and orbs) : -10% we're ok..

11/12/2017 to 27/5/2018 : -70% we're absolutely not ok!

so we have to be very cautious with dates and angles :

real danger zone begins exactly april 24th

I tend to choose the date of april 22nd 

because I know that on the 23rd I have a mercury on the node

this is a very unstable situation, 

so let's get out before the storm

most of all, if I look back at 2021 I find :

may 4th mercury enters gemini

may 10-11th mercury on the node

that period was sad souvenirs!

now I will have april 30 : mercury enters gemini

but just before, april 23rd/24th : mercury on the node

better avoid

this is gonna hurt


because now we lost all the activations on a dead node by the deeper level  end of april no more angles by jupiter, pluto, neptune, or saturn, the party's over, 

we should dump deep on that one..?

but early june we'll suddenly face another episode of neptune coming back to sextile the north node, it's active again, we should be bullish

for three weeks : from last week of may to mid june maybe

the second half oj july will be terrible

uranus on the north node exactly, a nightmare :

some days really really very bad

the DJI? don't look at it? it still exists?

what a moment..

after it, early august, we'll see smart people 

catching grains and seeds on the ground, for nothing!

like after a nuclear explosion

you find the flowers waiting, for nothing!

then it's a turning point,

because jupiter is entering aries mid 2022

now we're in, after the bad episode of july

the node yes is still sleepy in taurus,

but the dreamy part of 22 is over,

but with jupiter in fire tending to more individual action

I see no scenario where it results in a collective loss..

the ruler yes is mars, but the esoteric ruler here is mercury,

without mercury in the background no aries would be possible

it's all about actions yes,

but aries opens all the doors.

so the expansion has started, don't move too much, it would be contradiction, rather follow kasparov's rule number one :

reinforce the strong points not the weak points, 

and that's it

what follows?

counting on that jupiter in fire, if the reaction is positive

and it should be, because jupiter in aries is 2011 for BTC...

the aim is to reach summer 23


node is entering aries also,

now it's more fireworks for 500 days

won't calm before christmas 24

1 commentaire:

  1. Do you have anything for the month of may?? We seem to have a lunar eclipse May 15/16m(usually bearish). With May 13th (Friday 13th, unlucky) being the 22yr 2mo 2D since the 2001 dotcom crash. Maybe a ritual date??



spring is here, I kind of like it. birds, flowers, spiders, geckos,  all in & around the house.. this coming april, as the land is dryin...