jeudi 16 novembre 2023


 ok guys, let's go for it :


(traders!.. bookmark this, 

it could be useful - NFA!)

1st : a rapid intro :

BTC's astro is all about volatility,

no volatility = no cycle.

there are 2 schools in BTC's astro :

-those who rely on the natal chart, they're wrong..

-& the others

why the natal method is wrong?

because it simply doesn't work, 

I tried hundred of times 

before throwing it away..


because it's no about the date of birth of a product

it's about the birth of a community!..

but.. if we cannot date, for example, the birth of the BTC community exactly, we can do it for ordinals :

date of birth of the product? 

end of 2022, doesn't work.. doesn't make sense!

(that isolated narcissistic idiot will spend years before understanding that he's nothing..)

birth of an ordinal community?

clearly Q1 2023, saturn entering pisces..

since 2021, I was afraid by that date 

& telling all people around : 

"get out of NFTs before early 2023!"

I knew that something was gonna get destroyed to the bones (traditional NFTs),

but I couldn't guess it was a change in the infrastructure 

& a rebirth of NFTs

becoming much more solid onchain, on BTC, directly, forever..

anyway, this is not our subject..

if the natal method of reading doesn't work with BTC 

then what works?

let's come back to volatility,

it's very simple when you look back at the four previous cycles :

it all depends on the position on the north node

(which also commands volatility factors in tradifi) :

-north node in a fire or an air sign, volatility goes crazy, BTC flies, & we call it a cycle.

-north node of the moon in a water or an earth sign, volatility is dead, they call it bear market..

for the rest, just focus on the dominant configuration of the day

& you got it, with a lot of statistics & probability, pure math,

no "innerself" here, no moons, red bikinis & eclipses,

just keep it clean from the middle age BS -

focus on astro BC

& you'll master BTC!

every 18 months, the north node (google) which is a virtual calculated point that goes backwards

will change sign

& the four previous cycles of BTC follow this rule 

by the millimeter.

now if we wanna finetune these four cycles,

we'll notice that there are two types :

-the progressive slow flying cycles

-the explosive cycles

some look like a butt or like boobs, feminine cycles

others look like dicks

male cycles? 

2011 node in sagittarius / 2018 node in leo

female cycles? 

2014 node in libra / 2021 node in gemini

so you already see that there's a difference between node in air & node in fire


we're node in aries : explosive male cycle

what does it mean for the strategy?

considering the high BTCD because of the halving

& considering that coming explosion,

I will stay away from Alts & stick to BTC (NFA)


because the explosion comes so fast & so violent

& goes down so quickly,

that most of the Alts won't even have time to wake up 

before it's over..

we won't go up smoothly like early 2021

we will just explode after the halving 

& that's it

much more difficult cycle to navigate!..


before we time that explosion precisely, 

let's look at the period before the halving :


nothing so special, maybe not as good as december 2023,

but the last week should be better 

bc jupiter & saturn are getting close to the sextile


very good for the first 10 days (jupiter/saturn at 60.8°),

probably followed by a small correction,

last week of feb - things are heating up for ordinals 

(already 4 planets in pisces + reactivated jupiter)


this will be the month of ordinals 

(half the system concentrated in pisces)

for BTC, (the acivated node at) the begining of this month could be better than the end..


not so bad, I don't think we have to be afraid of the uranus/jupiter conjunction

it will probably have no effect (if I rely on the results of sept 9/10th 2010, but the problem is there was no volume in 2010! so this is fragile data..)

anyway, if there's a real problem, 

it will be mainly between april 18th & 21st


the most important moment of the whole cycle!

we've been waiting for it since the last ATH...


it will bring the new ATH!

some astrologers know it 

but not sticking to their astro (mistake)

just because the rise follows the halving -

this is not enough!

so let's look back at the very first BTC cycle, in 2011..

what do we have, in june 2011, to explain that male fire explosion?

a combination between : node in fire & jupiter sextile neptune

what will we encounter in may 2024? 

exactly the same!

that's why we have to expect the same results 

& the same shape as in june 2011

(percentage being lower because BTC is now a much more heavy machine)

still, we have our programmed explosion precisely here

but when excactly?

if we finetune june 2011, 

we'll notice that the rise starts at almost 2° before 60°

& that it breaks before full angle!

why that weird behaviour?

because of the very high tension..

so when will the explosion start?

at 58°, around mid-may

good to enter on may 13th just after sun on uranus 

which shouldn't be glorious (NFA)


we will gain 10Ks like peanuts, & for days..

what will be the level we reach?

100K? 150K? 200K? 300K?

estimation of the levels is much more difficult than prediction of the direction in astro,

but my calculations give something between 180K & 240K,

so there may be serious chances we cross the 200K level,

but now we're siiting reading that report with calm,

believe me, when we'll start to jump by 10Ks, 

it won't be so easy..

so, the question is :

when to cut, if we have to follow the rules of june 2011?

I'd say between may 20th & 22nd 

but I prefer considering the 20th as the real final summit of the cycle (NFA)


because after that, on the 21st, 

pluto is already interfering with the sun in a trine,

it's the low battery, 

& any game played on these fragile heights  of tension can bring... devastating effects

maybe I'm wrong, 

maybe I shouldn't sell anything before may 24th,

but I tend to believe that taking any risk at the summit is stupid


the first week of june will be an incredible catastrophy,

because of jupiter trine pluto, 

we're loosing 10Ks a day

something you can't describe, 

the worst of the nightmares..

this should be over by the middle of june

& mercury aligning with the sun could save us 

& cut the bleeding

last days of june are good, especially for ordinals


not a bad beginning

& suddenly mid-july will be something!

we meet our second explosion of the year!

it shouldn't reach the previous summit.....

but it will be serious

jupiter in air is at 60° from the node in fire,

while the sun is trine saturn

between the 8th & maybe the 14th, we're litteraly flying

but here again, I'll choose to cut it on the 11th

pluto activated by an opposition to venus on july 12th is dangerous at these levels.


few chances of a good beginning

than the weather gets bad :

mercury is retrograde & most of all between mid-august & the 22nd, jupiter is now square saturn,  

we will loose what we gained in july!


yeah, welcome to bitcoin bro..


nothing great, seems flat like belgium

even boring

mercury out of retrograde,

so still better than august



active mars in the first half could help

active node in the middle should sustain

rest is banal

2nd half good for ordinals


first half could be better than october

2nd half not so good, except the last week


nothing special before the last ten days

starting the 21st, maybe earlier, we have a situation :

jupiter is square saturn again, 

& we're loosing altitude seriously

JANUARY 2025 :

between the very last days of 2024 & january 11th, 

pluto is sextile the north node,

not good.. 

most of all between january 5th & 10th 

we could loose 20%,

exactly like october 4th/5th 2013

because pluto is the low battery


because pluto also function as a stabilizer,

we have high chances of taking back very quickly these -20% to the level before the dump


the north node is getting out of aries & entering pisces,

we're going from fire to the underwater, 

the cycle is now officially over,

we're loosing volatility seriously, 

beginning of a long bear market that won't end before september 2026, get ready for depression!

but during that february 2025, we have another problem : 

neptune is passing on the node

so the 2nd half is very risky

we could loose 30% more

or nothing..

why nothing?

because there's no previous data on BTC about this event

but as long as neptune is also part of the low battery, 

this shouldn't be great


for ordinals, it could be a festival

neptune commands pisces, & pisces is the sign overactivated at the birth of ordinals in Q1 2023

MARCH 2025 :

we're now fully entering bear market mode, 

there's nothing to hope for at the horizon,

only small miserable moves, 

it's over, we're dead.

APRIL 2025 :

first half, saturn is at 60° from uranus, 

but it could be without effect


starting on the 14th, or even a few days before, 

a big catastrophy is coming


exactly the "covid dump" of 2020


same causes : 

uranus at 60° from the node, waking up the worst in mankind :

just look at hitlers soldiers, 

or the white covid doctors, 

crowds of idiots 

becoming tyrannical

some say they won't dare to attack humans for a second time,

so in order to sell gates BS, 

they'll focus on meat

we'll see..

mankind is so miserable when not awake, 

& the majority is deeply asleep,

so we won't be able to avoid this catastrophy

but this should be over with april

MAY 2025 :

notice that we are now 1 year after the ATH summit of 2024

notice that we encountered a serie of serious hits after,

so april/may is the bottom!

& now is the time for buying BTC & Alts on the ground (NFA)

but not ordinals!

because they follow another logic : 

remember that the node left aries so the cycle is over?

yes, but :

first/ NFTs rise AFTER the fall of BTC (cf. Q1 2022)

& most of all/ that node entering pisces is activating the ordinals domain

so it's like an isolated island, 

as the eye in the middle of the storm

no real problem for ordinals

serious problems will start in february 2026 

with saturn getting out of pisces

& most of all september 2026 

with the node finally leaving pisces 

& entering the air of aquarius

should have sold all your ordinals before Q4 2026.. (NFA)

that's it, 

that's enough data

& NFA!

good luck ..

PS :

high chances of being bullish days :

january : 14

february : 1-11, 16, 20

march : 1, 5, 10, 21

april : 4, 6

may : 2, 14-20

june : 14, 16

july : 8, 10, 19, 21

august : 2, 6, 13, 23, 29

september : 4, 14, 21, 28, 29, 30

october : 13, 22

november : 3, 5, 15, 17, 24

december : 3, 7, 12, 19, 30, 31 

probably important dates for the bitcoin frogs :

feb 16th, 

march 8th, 10th, 16th

april 19th

june 2nd, 3rd, 4th

july 8th

aug 23rd

sep 29th

nov 17th

dec 12th



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spring is here, I kind of like it. birds, flowers, spiders, geckos,  all in & around the house.. this coming april, as the land is dryin...