samedi 27 novembre 2021

the problem at the door

sin is crouching at your door
(God to Cain - genesis 4.6)

one week ago, I was reading more than one astrologer saying that "Algol was the most negative star", and I was thinking "no, it's not on the ecliptic! it's not a zodiacal star..."

Algol depends on the waters anyway, it's mainly the story of Perseus petrifying the giant sea monster, and saving Andromeda, daughter of Cassiopeia (the queen punished for not being humble enough).

Perseus takes out of his bag the head of Al-ghoool (Medusa, in arabic), and everything is over in one second : 

petrified, forever...

the young lady attached on the shore to be sacrificed to the beast will therefore stay alive, but the tradition is divided about who she will mary after...

Cassiopeia her mother? 

a constellation, 

quoted already by Heraclitus...

as the limit of Zeus the bright, 

facing Arcturus in Libra, being the herdsman

so : a human, facing a god.

then Heraclitus adds that the secret of human memory is concentrated in the chariot, in seven stars, 

but dispatched in the moon, 

by twenty-eight ...

But I was thinking that Al-ghol was a matter between individualities, monster included,

as for Antares, the heart of scorpio (now on sagittarius ten because of the precession of the equinox), that giant red star was more collective in its destructive effects :

Antares is about an animal - 

in Cameroun, they say it's the strongest animal 

in all the jungle...

what enormous animal is it?

the ant

ant, like Antares!

when a house is attacked by termite in Cameroun,

you just have to capture a few red ants (painful exercice)

and then let them fight the thousands of termite :

it's an incredible massacre,

the most violent spectacle on earth

(just hidden by the scale)

so I went out for a walk under the stars,

but I was surprised to see the Cygnus constellation so clearly!

and here, for a millisecond, I was mistaken..

considering that the moon was on my left, 

in aquarius, under Cygnus, the swan.


when I turned it wasn't the moon, 

it was the greenish-white light of jupiter,

and I remembered what I first thought 

when I saw jupiter in the small chinese telescope :

this thing is so much more than the moon,

so much more! 

and hiding so well...

the "chinese telescope" is important, I mean not necessarily made in china, but the simple basic "nothing more than what Kant and Newton had at their disposal",

and if already five hundred years BC, Democritus knew about the cycle of uranus (despite the fact that it's invisible to the naked eye, he talks about "the great year of 82 years and 22 months", weird formula...), 

it's because the phoenicians had mastered enough the art of glass transparency to be able to play games with the stars.

the word "speculation" itself comes from speculare, which means : looking at the moon, using a mirror...

so it was Jupiter...

what I first felt, before seing it, came from that direction -

it's very important in astronomy, this dimension of the lateral,

you see a star better from the lateral sight than facing it...

& I knew jupiter wasn't far from Albireo,

so I was remembering Albireo,

latin deformation of the arabic al-baareh = the excellent


why the excellent?

why that one?

if you turn the chinese telescope towards albireo,

you will witness the most beautiful thing ever :

the simplicity, the colours, the disposition,

the harmony, the dance, the proportions...

one small blue young star orbiting a giant orange star,

probably one of the most beautiful double stars in the sky

I didn't notice that it was saturn that was the closest to Albireo...

and yes, first you always see the giant star alpha cygni : deneb -

it is by far the most luminous of first magnitude stars,

but thanks, at a distance (otherwise it would be blinding)

that's why Sirius will always appear brighter.

deneb el-dâj in arabic : the queue of the swan...

& in the neck of cygnus, or somewhere close, 

I know that around Xi cygni there's a lot of important matters related to black holes

and the whole constellation is somehow linked to the history of the USA...

I still have no explanation as to why "excellent"...

so how do you say swan in the old sacred languages?

you say tamm -

but tamm also means "the perfect",

that's probably why he's excellent?

so for example when the Torah says that Sarah, the wife of Abraham, died: the writing comes without the vowels - TMT ChRH

therefore, instead of reading tamôt sarah (sarah is dead), the rabbis of the Zohar used to understand tammét sarah - which means : "sarah has reached perfection".

why reaching perfection is somehow dying for sarah?

because Sarah, for them, was the figure of wisdom

how come?

because of the verse "say to wisdom : you're my sister",

and when abraham meets the pharaoh, he lies :

he says Sarah is my sister!

now I said USA, what do I know about USA?

(better not remember?..)

so let's go :

first I know that Sirius is a very important star 

on the chart of the USA

then I know how afraid were the old greek texts about that star

when does it appear in litterature?

it appears at the moment the very troubled Medea has her small bottle of poison in her pocket, while facing Jason...

will she drink it and commit suicide?

and the text of the Argonautics goes on, talking about the devastating effects of Sirius on domestic beasts...

Hesiod says that "women become crazy with the rising of Sirius", and that the only solution  is "to drink small amounts of some wine from Byblos"...

still, at night, on the rooftops of Athens, there are ceremonies :

women are celebrating Adonis, and the beauty of young men, & each one will meet her lover somewhere secretly in the gardens...

Sirius is also the only star named in the Qoran : 

wa'houa rabbou al-chiira = "and he is the God of Sirius"

chiira also meaning the door, the entry, the opening.

Sirius was opposed to Arcturus (in libra) by the greeks :

it was the opposite pole of the beauty of Adonis, 

fading so fast...

because Arcturus was the pole of maturity,

Plato was even afraid of touching any grape before the rising of Arcturus,

that arcturian pole of maturity was under the command of Demeter, goddess of earth, giving the fruits at maturity -

so : the mature woman opposed to the young man...

& Plato voted for that woman, 

he compared Adonis to ejaculating on rocks!

or "writing on the water"...

but let's comeback to Sirius :

I won't forget how the african Dogons knew that it was a double star (absolutely impossible to guess with naked eye)

still, let's focus on it, as something that is "more than a star", 

because after all it's the star number one,

in every old tradition, 

the brightest of all...

Sirius stands almost in the middle of cancer,

& the USA are? 

Cancer - by their sun on Sirius!

but jupiter, venus and mercury are also in cancer

(believe me that's a lot of people!)

it's independence, yea... 

but could it also be dependence?



just follow the nodes! 

would whisper the vedic astro...

so let's see what happens 

when the north node is in cancer.


for the USA? 

to say the least : it's catastrophic!

first great example of "North Node in Cancer"?


second example :

we have to go back 19 years (cycle of the nodes) ... 

where are we?

1982 : 

220 marines died in Beirut

(deadliest day since the battle of Iwo Jima during WW2)

third example

still back 19 years (almost) :

Dallas - Kennedy 


back 19 years?

Hiroshima, Nagasaki

5th example : back 19 years?

the heavy rains of summer 26 

which will turn the Mississipi crazy

I think it's enough for a serious rule -

oh, I forgot... 2020 :


not exactly, 

we're looking at the States here,

so more precisely, it would be : 

the reaction towards covid in the USA...

I was told there was a quick bill in february, in the senate... 

or something?

that they stole 4 trillion $ from the american people?

while Nancy was eating her chocolate ice cream!

& AOC babysitting the kids?

and that the whole economy of the country was systematically destroyed...

that they were gonna become brazil,

that they were gonna be sold, for nothing, 

like the Greeks...


in order for all of this vast operation to be complete,

we just needed to lock them down, 

with great fear!

still the chinese were not enough...

but thanks god! 

two years later, blacks suddenly came to the rescue.

they just didn't calculate Nuremberg,

and the real possibility of burning alive,

for their crimes - 

against humanity.



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spring is here, I kind of like it. birds, flowers, spiders, geckos,  all in & around the house.. this coming april, as the land is dryin...