jeudi 28 mars 2024


spring is here, I kind of like it.

birds, flowers, spiders, geckos, 

all in & around the house..

this coming april, as the land is drying in ukraine, 

should be one of the most dangerous periods of this stupid century, 

I like it too.

we're all gonna die? as it was mentionned by the boss?

so be it!

do we really deserve something else?

let's not explore the real answers..

anyway, they will all tell you april 20th, the halving!

& I will think april 20th : the exact conjunction of jupiter & uranus,

& here, I don't like it..

is it because it's the exact scenario of the year 1939?

no, I told you, I don't give a fuck about their nukes,

I'm all orange, it's all about bitcoin.


did it happen before?

yes, in 2013, but $BTC was just a kid, a toddler,

no volume to scan any small reaction, it was all flat.

does bitcoin love uranus? 

yes, much more than $ETH! (which is more bullish on neptune)

so the 20th will be bullish? 

absolutely no guarantee,

it could be a catastrophy.

& it could also be flat.

see.. I have no idea, but I don't like it.

what else?

next week mercury is going retrograde.

usually $BTC doesn't care, only traditional markets go down.

so we'll be ok?

not guaranteed, it's happening in aries,

& if mars seems to be the ruler of aries,

on a deeper level, the real ruler here is mercury,

therefore, it's a risky retrograde,

& I tend to think that we really have more than 66.66% chances of going down.

how much down?

don't worry there's a strong support level waiting for us 

just under 50k..

& then?

then will come the unexpected, the uncalculated!

it should start mid-may, or even one week before,

the scenario will be exactly similar to june 2011 :

a combination of the north node in fire (aries)

with 60° between jupiter & neptune.

result? 100k?

you're kidding! even 200k will look like a joke..

it will be an unprecedented explosion, something huge.

I'll cut on may 20th (NFA), because any interference at these summits of tensions can be devastating, and sun trine pluto will come.

& then?

then early june it's hell, for ten days maybe :

jupiter trine pluto, we'll loose everything, almost.

under 100k again? 

very possible.

therefore, end of june / early july, 

we can wait for a new ordinal wave.

but it won't last, because the 2nd week of july will bring back the glory to bitcoin.

all the glory?

no, not really, but a serious part of it.

& then?

august is bad : jupiter square saturn, sad.

but.. how do you know that you'll be rich in november 2024?

by applying a basic rule :

saturn is in my 2nd house, from here comes the money..

& I know that in may 1995, I got rich, suddenly -

now : may 1995 + 29.5 years = november 2024

see, it's simple, this shall come back,

& on a larger scale even.

but why november not before?

because being only illiquid, only images, only ordinals!

I'll just have to wait for the liquidity to come back from bitcoin into ordinals, like it did in january 2022, exploding the NFT domain.

still there is one question that is not answered :

why do you choose, now, to accumulate monero?

look around :

gaza is resisting the israeli jab

russia is resisting the nato jab

it's all the same process,

the virus criminals didn't stop..

& they're heading towards CBDCs, starting 2025,

therefore, they'll have to get the ground ready for it, starting this summer.

so you're working on 2027?

exactly, & even 2030!

but what about bitcoin?

the last song of the swan..

because bitcoin has been kidnapped, we all know it,

& we all don't wanna really face it.

you mean it's lost?

maybe, maybe not, but the good old days of independence are now behind, that's why the migration should start early,

they're all dancing now, 

but no one is paying attention to the soldiers in the garden, 

no one is looking to the ground, 

everybody's focused on the lights around the ceiling..

so bitcoin is lost?

I told you : I don't know,

but I know for sure that it will be very different.

you think of a fork scenario?

not really, it won't even be necessary!

you're pessimistic?

no, realistic : when big trucks enter the scene,

take your small bike & find another playground, it's better.

ok, what about the ordinal scene?

now? it's like suspended, until Q4, I told you :

it's all a question of liquidity transfer.

so the stars of the moment will go wild?

absolutely not,

if you knew what was coming for your monkes or your puppets, 

you'd get rid of them right now.

what will remain? runes?


it's a failure, a revenge process, & after september, runes are dead.

but.. but, the founding father is behind it, it should work!

look at the last small movie by erin :

our national rodarmom is pregnant,

& the baby is expected for?.. november!

is it a boy?

most probably.

so what wll the ordinal scene look like in november?

at the moment of resurrection, you come back to the basics :

frogs, bitmaps, honey badgers, sub100k, early cursed, etc.

what about all the rest?

pieces of shit!

importations of ETH, kidnatting, etc.

all of this will be gone, 

with the wind...

but!.. rare sats? stones?

it will all be gone!

what makes you so sure of yourself?

it's not only a question of liquidity, 

it's also a question of the public.

& the public of november won't be the same :

after the OGs, the original degens, then the scum of ETH, will come the great public, not degen at all,

the great public needs to feel secure :

a frog is easier to understand than a monke,

a sub100k looks like a stable compared to a puppet,

bitmap won't be a kid anymore, he will have serious erections..

shall we cut it here?

yes! perfect.


spring is here, I kind of like it. birds, flowers, spiders, geckos,  all in & around the house.. this coming april, as the land is dryin...